Suzanne Somers And An Incredible Secret!
Hi, I'm Dr. Tammy. I've been treating patients for over 20 years for hormone issues, weight loss and metabolic imbalances. I am a board certified family medicine doctor that specializes in hormones and functional medicine, and I am passionate about helping patients in a way that is based upon a "wellness model" and not "focused on disease." In November of 2013 I met Suzanne Somers at a functional medicine conference in Las Vegas, NV, where thousands of the world's preeminent physicians and researchers in aging intervention convene to showcase advanced anti-aging and regenerative biomedical technologies from around the globe.
They are doctors just like me who are more interested in the root cause of disease, aging and metabolic dysfunction than just covering up symptoms with band-aids.
It was an incredible opportunity to meet her and get to spend a little time with her and really feel the energy of who she is and the part she has played in helping women understanding that aging is inevitable but looking older and feeling older is a choice. And that's what I want to share with you, that I have learned from her. At 75 years old she looks amazing and exudes an energy that many 20 year olds do not possess.
"I am in control of how I age, and I am in control of my health." - Suzanne Somers
And I know this to be true in my many years of medical practice but to see her really changing the face of aging and taking back our power as women in our health and wellbeing especially when we are used to sacrificing and putting everyone else first, really spoke to me.
She fights the good fight, but unfortunately passed away recently. She wasn't a doctor but she was a voice, and advocate that represents all women who have ever struggled or begged for answers about health, happiness, and hormones.
Being slim and sexy is a side effect of perfect health and if you are a women over 30 that has given up on being heathy and getting a sexy body back, there are answers and you can change your life by changing your hormones and change your metabolism by changing your hormones.
When I learned how to help myself, I knew that I could transform the lives of thousands of patients, too. At 55 years old, I feel better than I did at 20 and I want to share all my secrets with you.
If you feel like you just can't seem to budge the scale, hopeless and feel like you are constantly on a diet, I want to share the secret of how to reset your hormones and take your power back.
If it sounds like I am talking right to you... Well I am. And if it feels like you have really been struggling and nothing seems to work or help...
That tells me one thing! ITS YOUR HORMONES!
This secret will allow you to:
- Increase Fat Burning
- Decrease Hunger
- Support Healthy Blood Sugar Levels
- Decrease Belly Fat and Shed Pounds
Did you know that the areas where your body stores weight dictate both the actions you need to take and the strategies you should employ to effectively shed those extra pounds?
I too struggled with these issues, and honestly it was my mission to figure it out for myself, and because I like things to be as easy as possible...without struggling and without SUFFERING. Who doesn’t want that right?!?
So, the journey began to discover the secret keys and unlock the metabolism long ago for me. I am 55 now and I understand what women like us struggle with.
In out late teens, we were immortal. We could party like rock stars eat total garbage and if we wanted to lose a few pounds we just got more active or ate a little less. Calories-in-Calories out, right?!?
But something changes for most women at about the age of 30. The metabolism starts to really change and at the root of all of it...
Usually, our 30’s gives us our first clue...a bit of spare tire around the waist, maybe a muffin top…the feeling of what I call "fluffy", maybe a bit worse with issues forming like back strain or knee pain. We looked in the mirror one day and realized we were starting to look like we were more like our moms than the teenage girls at the mall.
So, we go to the gym and that lasts for a little while, we try the latest and greatest diet, starve ourselves, burn out our adrenals with stimulants like coffee, monster drinks, diet pills or sugar and the real struggle is just ahead of us.
We Try To Fix It...
So, we go to the gym and that lasts for a little while, we try the latest and greatest diet, starve ourselves, burn out our adrenals with stimulants like coffee, monster drinks, diet pills or sugar and the real struggle is just ahead of us.
We get into our 40’s and now, all heck is breaking loose. Kids growing up, possible divorce, career change, financial issues, life stress… freaking life!
Now what? This wasn’t supposed to be us. We never had to worry about our weight before.
Usually this first diet involves eliminating an entire food group (like fat or carbs) or drastically cutting our calories, putting our bodies into starvation mode. Sometimes we’ll really get crazy and get back in the gym to add tons of cardio. Maybe we’ll even buy a bicycle that goes nowhere that you ride till your legs are like noodles, or you go to a class and give up because you just can't keep up.
It's A Trap!
A HUGE mistake because this time, when you quit, and you will, the weight will come back even stronger, harder, faster, more! It’s your metabolism and your hormones trying desperately to get your attention.
Many doctors send their patients to me because they don't have time to do really evaluate and find the answers that are needed to solve this complex issue of hormone imbalance related weight complications. Often patients ask them if it is possibly their hormones they will actually tell them it's not. This is so sad because every doctor should remember from Biology 101 in college that hormones are messengers that control every process in the human body so how could the not possibly play into weight and metabolism????